We can help you with the fouling on the bottom of your yacht or launch. Whether it’s a simple wet sand job, or completely scraping off the old anti foul and re-antifouling. Antifouling is a crucial part of the boat maintenance process and provides protective coating for the underneath of the waterline.
Rowe Boat Painters are experienced with all antifoul paints available, including copper coating. We can use any brand that you might have on your boat for re-antifouling. When starting from scratch we’ll help you pick the best antifoul brand for your budget. We will do stern legs and propeller coatings. We’re based in and around Auckland and have connections in marinas all over the region. Our mobile boat painters will be able to service the hull of your boat with anti foul whether it be in marinas in Auckland or at a different location further afield for onsite boat painting.